Blessing Physiotherapy Centre is a clinic utilizing the east-meets-west approach. Clinically, it is found that acupuncture be applied under the auspices of the western approach therapeutic exercises, instant and carry-over effect of pain relief is ensured. This is the merit of east-meets-west approach. Apart from traditional physiotherapy (e.g. IFT, Traction, Ultrasound, therapeutic exercise etc.), our clinic also provide high-standard acupuncture. Instant treatment effect can be gained by just only one to three needles. Many patients experience that it just likes magic! For those very acute and chronic conditions, considerable treatment effect can be achieved under the auspices of bloodletting.
Exercises are frequently used by in the clinically. In western medicine perspective, exercises not only can enhance muscle strength and endurance but also augment the cardiopulmonary function and immune system. In Chinese Medicine perspective, exercise can increase the energy flow within the meridians, resulting in relief of pain. We believe that acupuncture can trigger the internal healing within our body devoid of medication. We will classify your body type in accordance with Chinese Medicine and give advice on your diets if necessary.
Mr Rayson Lam started his career in Caritas Medical Centre after graduating from Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the honor of best student in 1994. He was transferred to Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHNH) two years later. With over 16 years in AHNH, he has gained profound clinical experience in serving patients in different specialties e.g. orthopaedics, outpatient, medical, AED, paediatrics and home-based rehabilitation etc.
Apart from clinical therapy, Rayson was also devoted to clinical research. He had investigated the effect of vestibular exercises on the dizziness due to vestibular neuritis. Rayson also put tremendous effort in investigating the effect of hydrotherapy on patients with chronic low back pain. The promising results were presented in Hospital Authority Convention in 2003 and 2011 respectively. Rayson achieved his Master in Exercise and Nutrition in 2003. In the recent decade, Rayson is interested in learning Chinese Medicine and acupuncture and has achieved Diploma in Acupuncture. Under auspices of high-standard acupuncture, many chronic and intractable conditions can be soothed.